
This section publishes information about the details for submission of articles, the journal launch and other relevant news. 

Legal Pluralism: Indigenous Law and the National Justice System


  • Leonello Bertini Chiriboga Universidad de Chile
  • Nancy Yáñez Fuenzalida Universidad de Chile


Based on doctrinal and legal considerations, this paper analyses the progress and setbacks of Chilean jurisprudence with regard to the recognition of indigenous customs, the justiciability of indigenous law and the implementation of a pluralistic legal approach. Since the entry into force of the 169 ILO Convention, there have been some developments in the jurisprudence pertaining to the legal recognition of the ancestral property right to water; rights of use, exploitation and protection of the land; natural resources and ecosystems that make up indigenous habitats; and the right to consultation taking into account the ethnic specificity of indigenous peoples. However, Chilean jurisprudence tends to protect the hegemony of State law and its structuring principles, both in criminal matters, where customary law can be applied exceptionally as a ground for excluding or mitigating criminal responsibility, and in civil matters, where the rules and principles established in the Indigenous Act and in the 169 Convention have been reluctantly adopted with regard to indigenous people’s right to property and possession of the land. Finally, the courts have not recognized the jurisdiction of indigenous authorities to resolve community conflicts.


Indigenous, self-determination, legal pluralism, customary law, jurisprudence

Author Biographies

Leonello Bertini Chiriboga, Universidad de Chile

Abogado y Psicólogo, Universidad San Francisco Quito-Ecuador (2007). Magíster en Administración de Empresas, mención Finanzas, Universidad de las Américas Quito-Ecuador (2008).  Actualmente Doctorando en Derecho, Universidad de Chile, investigación doctoral en pluralismo jurídico.  Especialista en mecanismos alternativos de solución de conflictos. Autor del libro “Acción de Nulidad de Laudos Arbitrales. Procedimiento y trámite de resolución”, Ecuador, 2008.

Nancy Yáñez Fuenzalida, Universidad de Chile

Abogada, Magíster en Derecho Internacional, Universidad de Notre Dame. Profesora de Antropología Jurídica en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Chile. Codirectora del Observatorio Ciudadano. Especialista en derechos indígenas, derechos territoriales, recursos naturales y derechos de agua. Autora de diversas publicaciones, en las áreas de su especialidad.