Professor of Law, University of Essex, Director of the Essex Transitional Justice Network. First and Secon Legal State Exam (Germany), Diploma in Comparative Law (Paris II), PhD (Sheffield). Entre sus últimas publicaciones se cuentan: Sabine Michalowski (Ed.) Corporate Accountability in the Context of Transitional Justice, Routledge 2013; Sabine Michalowski, ‘Doing Business with a Bad Actor: How to Draw the Line Between Legitimate Commercial Activities and Those that Trigger Corporate Complicity Liability’, 50(3) Texas Journal of International Law 403-464 (2015); Sabine Michalowski, ‘The mens rea standard for corporate aiding and abetting liability – conclusions from international criminal law’, 18(2) UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 237-274 (2014), Sabine Michalowski, ‘No Complicity Liability for Funding Gross Human Rights Violations?’ 30 Berkeley Journal of International Law 451-524 (2012).