Sociomusical identity of aymaran youth: The music sound


  • Bernardo Guerrero Universidad Arturo Prat


This article discusses some ideas around music sound as a device of production of identity among the young Aymaran people of the greater north of Chile, the importance of the cities, especially in Iquique. It reflects around the concept of cultural identity and emphasizes the idea of how music, in this case, sound is transformed into a vehicle, in one way to express modernity, and the other, to continue affirming part of their tradition.


identity, aymaran youth, music

Author Biography

Bernardo Guerrero, Universidad Arturo Prat

Sociólogo. Universidad Arturo Prat, Iquique, Chile. Artículo escrito en base a la ponencia «Identidad cultural y música sound», presentada en las jornadas de «Música popular e identidad cultural», realizada en Iquique en octubre de 2006. Correo electrónico: