The lexicon referred to young people and youth in spanish language


  • Juan Pablo Reyes Núñez Universidad de Playa Ancha


In order to establish the features of the social imaginary regarding young individual, the present article proposes a method of interdisciplinary analysis of sociopolitical nicknames of the Spanish language related to young people and youth, through a historical and semantic analysis.


nicknames, young people, social communication

Author Biography

Juan Pablo Reyes Núñez, Universidad de Playa Ancha

Profesor de Estado en Castellano, magíster en Lingüística, doctor en Lingüística Románica, director del Centro de Estudios Dialectológicos de la Universidad de Playa Ancha, Valparaíso, Chile. Investigación DGI regular 2009 HUMI 02-10, DGI regular 02-1617. Correo electrónico: