Diagnosis of youth employment problems generally associated with two dimensions: the first, referred to issues relating to the «work culture» and its disintegration after years of massive unemployment, and the second, based on the qualification problems. However, limited by «loyalists» approaches, many of these diagnoses are unaware of the existence of specifically popular logics of functioning of the cultural capital, of differential spaces and of bets linked to singular dispositions. This paper discusses, from the perspective of popular culture, the category of «cultural capital» applied to the understanding of the business strategies of youth from a poor neighborhood of the city of Córdoba.
labor strategies, cultural capital, popular culture
Author Biography
Gonzalo Assusa, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Licenciado en Sociología por la Universidad Nacional de Villa María y Doctorando en Ciencias Antropológicas por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Becario de postgrado de CONICET en IDHCIFFYH-UNC. Email: gon_assusa@hotmail.com.
Assusa, G. (2020). Culture «for» work. Cultural capital and his logic labor strategies to young people of a popular neighborhood in capital Cordoba. Última Década, 21(39), 141–167. Retrieved from https://anuariocdh.uchile.cl/index.php/UD/article/view/56138