Contexts that speak: revisions of the gender/ youth link: from the María Soledad case to #niunamenos


  • Silvia Elizalde Universidad de Buenos Aires


What aspects regarding gender and sexuality differences could have been “observed” by youth studies twenty-five years ago, and which ones can be observed today? What aspects could not be read from those codes that are read nowadays, and/or vice versa, and why? How has this perspective been molded? What is its former or current relationship with the intelligibility operations of these same distinctions in the most extended social agenda? How does this resonate today on our theoretical, investigative and intellectual commitment decisions regarding young male and female young people? From these guidelines, I will look into two shocking events for the Argentinian social life that took place in the extremes of the last two and a half decades; both events, the first of them in the early 90s and the other one, still contemporary, have acted as gateways for specific cultural, political and historical conjunctions. The purpose of this article is to analyze some of the articulation and possibility conditions enabling - or preventing - the public visualization of the link between gender and youth at each moment, as well as the meanings and scopes these critical differences have implied for research on youths. In general terms, it is intended to point out certain conceptual and political coordinates towards a contextual perspective in order to know, and stress on, the inescapable need for a feminist inquiry to face some of the theoretical and epistemological challenges to be found on the way.


youth studies, contextual perspective, femicides, young women, feminist theory, MarÍa Soledad Morales, #niunamenos

Author Biography

Silvia Elizalde, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Doctora en Antropología (Universidad de Buenos Aires) e Investigadora Independiente del CONICET, con sede en el Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género, de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA. Directora del Programa de Actualización en Comunicación, Géneros y Sexualidades, de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UBA. Correo electrónico: