Educating with a gender perspective in higher education. Institutionalization and mainstreaming in public universities in Mexico



This article aims to analyze to what extent the gender perspective has been institutionalized and mainstreamed in higher education. The study was carried out in seven autonomous state public universities located in the south-central region of the country; a qualitative methodological approach based on the content analysis method was used; the institutionalization was It analyzed in the areas of regulations, policies and institutional actions, while for the mainstreaming the curricula of the Bachelor's Degrees in Administration were taken as a sample. The results show that the actions of the universities are mainly oriented towards institutionalization, so they have implemented multiple educational policies and actions; it is observed that mainstreaming is less attended, there is partial presence of the gender perspective in the university curriculum.


Gender perspective, higher education, public universities

Author Biography

Felipe Hernandez Hernández, Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala,

Doctor en Ciencias Administrativas y Maestro en Administración Educativa. Cuenta con experiencia docente y directiva en instituciones de educación básica, media superior y superior. Actualmente se desempeña como académico investigador en el Centro de Investigación Educativa de la Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala, México.