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Resilience and organization: Innovation as a challenge for universities


  • Anahi Urquiza Universidad de Chile
  • Julio Labraña Universidad de Talca); Universidad de Tarapacá
  • Beatriz Rahmer Universidad de Chile
  • Francisca Puyol Universidad de Chile
  • Angel Allendes Universidad de Chile
  • María Gomez Ministerio de Educación


Innovation has become a central dimension of contemporary universities. However, there are still no guidelines on how to encourage universities to advance organizationally in this direction. Using elements of social systems theory, this article addresses the challenges faced by contemporary universities in relation to the relevance of innovation, suggesting guidelines for their reform. The organization of the resilient university, centered on the implementation of the principles of reflection, participation, and anticipation, allows progress in this direction. The article ends with a summary and a general reflection on the resilient university.


Education, Universities, Innovation, University governance, Social systems theory


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