Observation and Order: “Drafts” to an Epistemology of Complexus


  • Leo Peixoto Rodrigues Universidade Federal de Pelotas


The debate on observation and order proposed in this article results from a theoretical research in the fields of constructivist and complex epistemology and systemic theory. So, it does not start from a "classical" discussion of the philosophical-epistemological debate on observation. The discussion here proposed relates more specifically to epistemological reflections rather than philosophical ones. The article gives relevance to the advances made by contemporary scientific knowledge in an interdisciplinary way, considering disciplines such as: the physics of thermodynamics, the sciences of cognition, evolutionary biology, the sociology of social systems. Before pretending to do any philosophy of science, it intends to make a kind of philosophical science. The article presents as a dorsal column, which gives support to all arguments throughout its development, the reflexive problematization that involves the concepts of observation, observer and observed, with the notions of order and disorder, essential for the construction of reality as "objectified". Specifically, this article seeks, from these categories, to propose a general outline - some "drafts" - of how the "reality" presents and stabilizes in an interactive and complementary, although always precarious and contingent, involving permanent constructivist indetermination/determination.


Observation/ observer, Order/ disorder, Indetermination/ complementarity, Complex epistemology


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