For a Critique of Civil Society in Chile: a look at the history and some public policies


  • Paula Vidal Molina Universidad de Chile


The relevance of using the notion of civil society in some of the Chilean public policies in recent years by governments of the Concertacion forces to seek in some of the conceptual apparatus -located in the classics of political philosophy- behind such use and revise the historical construction of Chile that has been done focusing relationship between the State and Civil Society. This in order to explain the relevance and semantics that has assumed today that category in Chile -process is not unrelated to the movement in this direction that has occurred in various parts of the planet from a few decades ago- as well as tensions and difficulties that lead to progress in the democratization of our society.


History of Chile, Political Philosophy, Health Policy, Development Fund, Civil Society

Author Biography

Paula Vidal Molina, Universidad de Chile

Trabajadora Social - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Magíster en Antropología y Desarrollo - Universidad de Chile