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From von Bertalanffy to Luhmann: Deconstruction of the Concept “Agroecosystem” through Systemic Generations


  • Lorena Casanova Colegio de Postgraduados de México
  • Juan Martínez Colegio de Postgraduados de México
  • Silvia López Colegio de Postgraduados de México
  • Gustavo López Colegio de Postgraduados de México


Systems thinking contributed to the origin of agroecological thought, which had as primordial theoretical basis the contributions from the general systems theory and cybernetics. Thus, agroecology in the 70s of the last century could establish itself as a new way of thinking and doing science related to agricultural activity to try to go beyond the dominant reductionist approach. However, the study of contemporary agricultural reality demands new approaches to understand it in its many dimensions. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to analyze the evolution of systems thinking and its significance in the agro-ecological thinking by providing theoretical and conceptual tools to study current agricultural phenomena through complex systems, including unexplored aspects in its traditional approach as history, politics and culture.


Agriculture, Agroecosystems, Systemic thinking, Complex thinking, Complex systems


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