Application of the theory of estoppel regarding a public instrument that denies the remuneratory nature of the gratification


  • René Mauricio del Real Morales Universidad de Chile


This comment of jurisprudence analyzes the origin of the applicability of estoppel in labor matters, particularly in relation to the case of a worker who demanded as part of the basis for calculating the compensation for termination of the contract, the "gratification" the employer paid the worker informally, and for which the latter signed a public document, noting that it was a contribution given in a "voluntary and liberally way." From this case, the author analyzes whether is posible to completely rule out the application of estoppel in labor matters, taking into consideration that this theory is founded on good faith rather than autonomy.


Estoppel, autonomy, remuneration, gratification, irrevocability of labor rights

Author Biography

René Mauricio del Real Morales, Universidad de Chile

Abogado y ayudante de la cátedra Historia Institucional de Chile de la Universidad de Chile. Actualmente cursa Magíster de Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad Social de dicha casa de estudios