Cultural taste patterns. From distinction to algorithms



Cultural taste is today the key to think about audiovisual audiences in the digital context. The novelty has been the implementation of algorithms for the orientation, affirmation and reinforcement of audiences' taste in digital platforms. The article proposes several patterns that guide the shaping of cultural tastes, based on factors of distinctiveness, omnivorousness, individualisation, eclecticism, cosmopolitanism, emotions and experiences. Finally, he proposes the conformation of a new matrix based on what he calls "algorithmic taste". To this end, it uses the analysis of Netflix, pioneering platform through its Cinematch system in the use of artificial intelligence in the "tailor-made" prediction of its users' audiovisual taste. The article develops a methodological proposal based on ideal types of cultural taste orientation. 


audiovisual tastes - cultural tastes - algorithmic tastes- Netflix

Author Biography

Rosario Radakovich, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Doctora en Sociología (Unicamp), especializada en Comunicación Audiovisual (UAB) y Estudios Internacionales (UDELAR). Licenciada en Sociología (UDELAR). Profesora Asociada de la Facultad de Información y Comunicación y Coordinadora de la Especialización en Gestión Cultural de la Universidad de la República. Investigadora Nivel I de la Agencia Nacional de Innovación e Investigación. Sus líneas de investigación son consumos culturales, análisis de públicos y audiencias, cultura digital, políticas culturales y audiovisuales.


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