Work and platforms: the problem of the qualification of the employment contract



This work analyzes the debate surrounding the conceptualization of the link between platforms and those who work on them in the comparative law. In this sense, this paper classifies the kind of platforms and their relevance; explain the different forms of analysis; review the American and European case law, and summarizes the Chilean situation. In the end, it is not intended to conclude the debate, but to encourage the Legislative action, which, in my view, must overcome the current labor law categories. or at the very least, contribute to giving certainty and clarity to the debate.


platforms, employment relationship, comparative law, gig economy

Author Biography

Rodrigo Pablo Pérez, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Abogado. Licenciado en Derecho por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Profesor de Derecho Comparado de Contratos y de Derecho Internacional Privado de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.