Ceremonial centre Chañarmuyo 2, north of La Rioja Province. Analysis of ritual behaviour


  • Adriana B. Callegari Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Silvia de Acha Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Daiana M. Soto Universidad de Buenos Aires


In this manuscript, Chañarmuyo 2 site is presented which, according to its formal properties, scale, ubiquity, visibility, visualization and monumentality, would have served as a public space destined to host Famatina Mountains snowy peaks cult activities. Based on the analysis of the aforementioned attributes, an advance has been made in the comprehension of the ritual behavior taking place in this scenario. Semipublic spaces belonging to Cerro La Cruz 1 y 2 sites, located in Chañarmuyo River’s opposite riverbank, are also taken into consideration. Lastly, with the goal to establish ritual behavior similarities and differences in the archaeological locality, comparisons with other public spaces recognized in La Cuestecilla Aguada site are made.


ceremonial centre, Chañarmuyo, sacred landscape, ritual, La Cuestecilla