
Meridional. Chilean Journal of Latin American Studies is pleased to invite you to participate in the dossier “Relevance of Latin American Marxism: Thinking from, with, and beyond Michael Löwy’s work”, which consists in our 21st volume, to be published in October 2023. 

En nuestra pequeña region de por acá. From Document Declassification to Counter-Archive in the Work of Voluspa Jarpa


  • Natalia Taccetta Universidad de Buenos Aires/CONICET/Universidad Nacional de las Artes-Audiovisuales


Following scholars such as Hal Foster o Anna Maria Guasch we could recognize an archival turn that proposes new challenges to art history in general, but more precisely to the relationship between art and the couple history/memory, and the link that visual culture establishes with this paradigm settled for two decades as a generative mark of much of the artistic production. Updating Walter Benjamin’s and Aby Warburg’s concerns these pages try to think about the archive paradigm in relation to the exhibition En nuestra pequeña región de por acá (MALBA, 2016) by Chilean artist Voluspa Jarpa, who maximizes the productivity of a notion that is not only the foundation of her work but the very essence of her stance about memory, history and the ways of expressing them. The exhibition draws from cia declassified archives in fourteen Latin-American countries in order to re-think the relationships between politics, history and image. Archival logic requires its own way of reading, the deconstruction of a set-up away from legal-administrative logic and its own exploration of the aesthetic-political potentialities as a counter-archive.


archive, Voluspa Jarpa, archival turn, Walter Benjamin, counter-archive