The present work – based on theoretical sources, press archives and exploratory,
ethnographic observations – aims to reflect on those early, even sometimes hegemonic
interpretations about the October uprising, as the one stated by lawyer and Dean Carlos
Peña, as a «generational unrest» mainly arisen and led by young people. From these
grounds, the article analyzes and discusses the role of intellectual authorities and mass
media in the construction of youth social labels and stigmas, and the theoretical potential
and heuristic drifts of a notion of generation to understand the uprising started on
October 18th, 2019.
young people, social uprising, generation, labelling, stigma
Author Biography
Yanko González, Universidad Austral de Chile
Doctor en Antropología Social y Cultural, profesor titular del Instituto de Historia y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Austral de Chile. Correo electrónico:
González, Y. (2020). A «generational unrest»? Young people, labelling and stigma in october uprising. Última Década, 28(54), 95–113. Retrieved from