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Body and agency in the social systems theory


  • Hugo Cadenas Universidad de Chile


This paper addresses the link between body and agency in the context of an underdevelopment of the structure-agency debate in the theory of social systems, particularly in the works of Talcott Parsons and Niklas Luhmann. It highlights how the structure-agency problem emerged in the critique of Parsons' structural-functionalism in the 1960s, and how Luhmann sought to overcome this dichotomy by considering society as an autonomous system and humans as its environment. Through his theory of symbolically generalized media, Luhmann demonstrated how social systems motivate the acceptance of their meaningful offers. The paper then seeks a complementation between both theories, specifically regarding Luhmann's symbiotic mechanisms and Parsons' catexis, to explain the acceptance of symbolic offers from society. Emphasis is placed on the interconnection between bodies as systems and social structures, enabling a more comprehensive understanding of motivation and action in social dynamics.


Social systems theory, Body, Agency, Cathexis, Symbolic generalized communication media


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