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Another Autonomy is Possible: An Epistemic Turn for Psychosocial Teams in Child Protection Programs in Chile.


  • Teresa Matus Universidad de Chile
  • Adriana Kaulino Universidad Diego Portales


The latest report of the judiciary, after visiting 274 homes of the child protection network in 2022, comes to verify a failure reiterated since the first report of Judge Jeldres twenty years ago: the programs fail to generate a circuit of opportunities for a more autonomous life for children. This is evidence of a larger problem: their approach to autonomy is based on the notion of the subject and theories of action. This logic creates an obstacle to the functional effectiveness of public policy. For this reason, the article proposes an epistemic twist on the notion of autonomy, exploring its possibilities in Habermas's communicative dialectic and Luhmann's constructivism.


Autonomy, Epistemic turn, Communication, Functional differentiation, Psychosocial intervention


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